Bedrikow Legal Counsel
Legal to play it safe

Legal Review

Our legal review is designed to help companies avoid entering into prejudicial, damaging, or disadvantageous business relationships and to assist them in finding the best legal solutions whenever such adverse consequences come out of established business relationships.

Non-disclosure agreements, memorandums of understanding, commercial contracts, and other legal binding instruments are and remain just fine written agreements defining rights and obligations, governing the relationship between the signing parties, and outlining their expectations as long as contractual clauses are respected. 

This is also true regarding all related documents and materials, in particular where their content refers to information meant to remain confidential because their misuse or disclosure to third parties would infringe industrial property  rights. 

The intrinsic legal quality of a contractual instrument will be challenged as soon as persistent flaws in its execution, including delays, arise or as soon as it becomes clear that the main expectations which led to the agreement between the parties had not been properly transposed into the contract and that this discrepancy compromises its enforcement.

Our legal review can be deployed to its fullest when combined with our other two services aimed to help clients know their business partners and assist them in negotiations.